Man Without A Face, The - Special Edition

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Man Without A Face, The - Special Edition

Internationally acclaimed actor and director MEL GIBSON starred and made is directing debut with The Man Wihtout A Face.

Justin McLeod (Mel Gibson) is a former teacher who, after having his face and his body terribly disfigured in an automobile accident, has taken to living alone in a big house on an island off the coast of Maine. McLeod works as a freelance artist w...
Director:Mel Gibson
Cast:Jack De Mave, Justin Kanew, Sean Kellman, Chris Lineburg
Rated M
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Man Without A Face, The - Special Edition  Payable with Ping
$6.00 Standard post (no padding) for 1 DVD at buyer risk...
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Internationally acclaimed actor and director MEL GIBSON starred and made is directing debut with The Man Wihtout A Face.

Justin McLeod (Mel Gibson) is a former teacher who, after having his face and his body terribly disfigured in an automobile accident, has taken to living alone in a big house on an island off the coast of Maine. McLeod works as a freelance artist who undergoes the humiliation of being shunned by his neighbours. McLeod keeps to himself and wants nothing to do with his neighbours. But one day an adolescent boy, Chuck Norstadt (Nick Stahl), comes knocking at his door desperate for a tutor. At first suspicious, McLeod gradually warms up to Chuck and they become pals. But their burgeoning friendship is frowned upon by Chuck's family and the local police chief, Stark (Geoffrey Lewis), because of rumours circulating that McLeod had a record concerning child molestation. This piece of gossip threatens chuck with the loss of his teacher and a new found friend.
Director:Mel Gibson
Cast:Jack De Mave, Justin Kanew, Sean Kellman, Chris Lineburg, Michael DeLuise, Fay Masterson, Jean De Baer, Ethan Phillips, Viva, Margaret Whitton, Gaby Hoffmann, Nick Stahl, Richard Masur, Mel Gibson, Geoffrey Lewis
Run time:114 minutes

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