Spike Island

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Spike Island (2012)

Five rebellious lads from Manchester with guitars-and-a-garage have an ambition to forget school, forget their troubled home lives and see their heroes The Stone Roses as they play the biggest gig of their career at Spike Island. All they need is to get tickets, get to the gig and give The Stone Roses their demo tape and the rest, as the saying goes, will be history. ...
Director:Mat Whitecross
Cast:Elliott Tittensor, Emilia Clarke, Nico Mirallegro, Lesley Manville
Rated R16 Sex scenes, violence, drug use and offensive language.
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Spike Island 
$5.60 All of NZ >2-9 business days...
Closing on Sunday, 9 Jun
$10.00 no reserve
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Five rebellious lads from Manchester with guitars-and-a-garage have an ambition to forget school, forget their troubled home lives and see their heroes The Stone Roses as they play the biggest gig of their career at Spike Island. All they need is to get tickets, get to the gig and give The Stone Roses their demo tape and the rest, as the saying goes, will be history. But with no tickets and a sold out gig to contend with, the boys embark on a road trip in a "borrowed" florist's van to seize their destiny.
Director:Mat Whitecross
Cast:Elliott Tittensor, Emilia Clarke, Nico Mirallegro, Lesley Manville, Phillip Jackson, Rob James-Collier
Run time:101 minutes

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