Crimson Rivers, The (Rivières Pourpres, Les)

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Crimson Rivers, The (Rivières Pourpres, Les) (2000)

When Commissaire Pierre Niemans (Jean Reno), France's leading serial killer investigator, is called to investigate a grisly murder, he enters a world of secrets, lies and unthinkable horrors. The dead, whose hands and eyes have been removed, are clues to a terrible tradition the killer can no longer bear. Each murder means something more; each victim, a guilty conspir...
Director:Mathieu Kassovitz
Cast:Jean Reno, Vincent Cassel, Nadia Fares
Rated R16 R16 Contains Violence
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When Commissaire Pierre Niemans (Jean Reno), France's leading serial killer investigator, is called to investigate a grisly murder, he enters a world of secrets, lies and unthinkable horrors. The dead, whose hands and eyes have been removed, are clues to a terrible tradition the killer can no longer bear. Each murder means something more; each victim, a guilty conspirator in a grand immoral experiment.Filled with blood-chilling suspense, twisted turns and breathtaking locations, this tense thriller has the style, action and intelligence to keep you wondering what's really happening right up until the shocking conclusion.
Director:Mathieu Kassovitz
Cast:Jean Reno, Vincent Cassel, Nadia Fares
Run time:101 minutes

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