Sione's 2: Unfinished Business

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Sione's 2: Unfinished Business (2012)

Five years ago, best friends, the Duckrocker boys had it all figured out - they had found themselves girlfriends to take to Sione's wedding and their futures were looking bright. How things have changed! Albert is now married to Tania and trying (unsuccessfully) to have a baby; Sefa and Leilani are still together with two kids, though still not married, Stanley's now ...
Director:Simon Bennett
Cast:Iaheto Ah Hi, Shimpal Lelisi, Oscar Kightley, Robbie Magasiva
Rated M Sex scenes and offensive language
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Sione's 2: Unfinished Business  Payable with Ping
$6.00 Standard post (no padding) for 1 DVD at buyer risk...
Closes in 3 hrs 32 mins
$3.00 no reserve
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Five years ago, best friends, the Duckrocker boys had it all figured out - they had found themselves girlfriends to take to Sione's wedding and their futures were looking bright. How things have changed! Albert is now married to Tania and trying (unsuccessfully) to have a baby; Sefa and Leilani are still together with two kids, though still not married, Stanley's now a trainee Deacon, and Michael's moved to Australia.

But when fellow Duckrocker, Bolo goes missing, the boys reunite to find him. And where can they start looking for one Samoan in Auckland, the worlds largest Polynesian city? And naturally, with the boys being the Boys, their unique way of dealing with every situation can only go wrong.
Director:Simon Bennett
Cast:Iaheto Ah Hi, Shimpal Lelisi, Oscar Kightley, Robbie Magasiva
Run time:92 minutes

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