80s & 90s Greatest Tragedies (National Geographic)

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80s & 90s Greatest Tragedies (National Geographic) (2014)

The 80s was a decade that both shook and shocked the globe that throbbed to the sounds of the boom box and made the world hold its breath as the Chernobyl nuclear reactor went up in flames. In 80s Greatest Tragedies, witness the era's worst disasters, from the Space Shuttle Challenger, to the Chernobyl meltdown, to the disaster in Bhopal.

The 90s were also witness to...
Director:Not Specified
Cast:Not Specified
Rated PG Violence.
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The 80s was a decade that both shook and shocked the globe that throbbed to the sounds of the boom box and made the world hold its breath as the Chernobyl nuclear reactor went up in flames. In 80s Greatest Tragedies, witness the era's worst disasters, from the Space Shuttle Challenger, to the Chernobyl meltdown, to the disaster in Bhopal.

The 90s were also witness to devastating disasters, as well as tragic deaths in high-profile cases. From the shocking death of Princess Diana and the brutal shooting of Italian designer Gianni Versace, to lesser-known tragedies such as the Order of the Solar Temple suicides and the sinking of the MS Estonia in the Baltic Sea, we explore the lost lives, natural disasters and terrifying acts that forever changed our world.
Director:Not Specified
Cast:Not Specified
Run time:100 minutes

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