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HOD Health & Home
Bringing you the best in personalized, hand-selected Home and Health products, we’re always on the hunt for top-tier designs from ocean to ocean to meet every need and match every budget of our clients. Whether you’re looking to make a simple upgrade in one room of your home or have a drastic gut renovation in mind, we’ve pooled a comprehensive list of the BEST Items as a handy resource for your next home décor project or health challenge. But first, let’s go over the benefits we can provide in your home or commercial space to elevate your daily life. We cater for all tastes and lifestyles as well as design style, while keeping function and practicality paramount.    
YP Select
  YP Select mainly deals in various electronic products, daily necessities, basic necessities and fashion products. We have always been customer-oriented and continue to develop and launch new products to meet the needs of the time.   We're good at many fantastic products with good quality and competitive price.   Thoughtful service and thoughtful management are our philosophy.   Delivery: About 10 business days   We will use standard shipment for the orders.    For the delivery timeframe, normally it may need about 10 days, but sometimes please note: Delivery times are as provided by our carriers and are estimates only.    Delays may occur during peak periods, and due to factors outside the carriers control.   We 100% support our customers. If you are not satisfied or you have any problem with our products, please CONTACT US at once.    Email will help you free return the goods.   Warranty policies: Our products have 180 days warranty.
Trade Hut
  Hello and welcome to The Trade Hut Store, the place to find your best products for every taste and occasion. We thoroughly check the quality of our goods, working only with reliable suppliers so that you only receive the best quality product.   We at Trade Hut believe in high quality and exceptional customer service. But most importantly, we believe shopping is a right, not a luxury, so we strive to deliver the best products at the most affordable prices, and ship them to you regardless of where you are located.   We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.   Whys shop at the Trade Hut? Quality Supplier 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Over 99% Positive Feedbacks on Trademe GST Receipt Available Auckland NZ Base, Efficient After-Sale Service for Return & Refund      
Ickool's Internet Wonderland
  I sell lots of items - mainly low value but good quality - any profits I make are donated to charity via monthly donations and one off donations  
Aussie Wardrobe
  Aussie Wardrobe is your one-stop-shop for affordable clothing, shoes and accessories for Men, Women and Kids. We offer an extensive range of in-stock and popular, branded products at competitive prices. We pride ourselves on the high levels of customer service that we offer and know how to best satisfy the tastes and expectations of different customers from our many years of retail and ecommerce experience.   Ensure to bookmark our store and don't forget to visit often for great offers, sales and new products. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Maudes on Trade Me
Fundraising on Trade Me since 2010, Maudes sells thousands of items donated by the community every year to raise money for the Nurse Maude Hospice in Christchurch.  Those items include antiques and collectables, books,homeware and home décor items; in fact almost everything from the downright weird to the truly wonderful.  The generosity of our donors knows no bounds and without their support, and the support of those who buy from us, we simply would not exist.  The Nurse Maude Hospice provides end of life care and support free of charge to patients and their families.  On their behalf, and on behalf of those who care for them, our heartfelt thanks. Customer Promise In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “well done is better than well said.” Our staff and volunteers pride themselves in accurate descriptions and excellent customer service.  If there’s ever an issue we’ll turn cartwheels in our efforts to resolve it. We take enormous pride in what we do and stand behind all our auctions.  Questions are encouraged and will be answered promptly. Other Stores and Donations Nurse Maude Hospice has a number of hospice shops selling  high quality new, second hand and vintage clothing across Christchurch which welcome donations of  clothing and Trade Me items with open arms.  If you have larger items please contact us first on 03 375 4643 or email so we can provide an alternate address. Please visit our website below to find a store located near you. Regretfully there are some things we are unable to accept, or need to discuss prior to acceptance due to space constraints. The link below lists items we are unable to accept which includes beds, bedding, whiteware, televisions, stereos and computers. For further information regarding who we are, what we do and what services we provide, please visit our website.  
Blank Clothing
Welcome To Blank Clothing
  Our focus is on offering high quality rash guard,diving wear, outdoor apparel and equipment .  Along with outdoor clothing such as; jackets, pants, swimwear, quick dry T-shirt, sunsmart hats and outdoor accessories.