Advertisers advice

Programmatic native specs

Native ads sit between search results and match our site fonts and layout.

Native ads sit between search results and match our site fonts and layout.
The content-relevant placement encourages higher user engagement.


Preferred Deals via Google Ad Manager

  • Headline: 25 characters max 
  • Image: 1200x627px (rectangular) 
  • Body copy: 90 characters max 
  • Advertiser name: 25 characters max 
  • Logo: 128x128px 
  • Call to action: 15 characters max

Programmatic Guaranteed via Google Ad Manager 

Note: Buyer must upload 2x images in their DSP

  • Headline: 25 characters max 
  • Image 1: 1200x627px (rectangular) 
  • Image 2: 627x627px (square) 
  • Body copy: 90 characters max 
  • Advertiser name: 25 characters max 
  • Logo: 128x128px 
  • Call to action: 15 characters max