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Recommendation Network

What is it?

Recommendation Network by Trade Me Jobs matches and recommends jobs to our members. The recommendations will be displayed as stripes of job listings across the Trade Me homepage, Trade Me Jobs landing page, search results page, and job listing pages.

Below is an example of the Recommendation Network stripes you may see:


Job listing page

Job listing pages will also display two new stripes. One stripe will show up to 12 job listings from the advertiser, and the other stripe will display similar jobs.

Why was Recommendation Network created?

We know that job hunters are three times more likely to click on jobs that are recommended specifically to them.* We wanted to help job hunters find their new job more quickly and easily, and we also help our advertisers get their jobs in front of the best possible candidates.

* Trade Me site data, February 2016.

Want further assistance?

  • Our 0900 support line is currently unavailable but we've still got our internet connection so flick us an email if you need our help!
  • Email us your questionWe aim to respond within 3-5 days.