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Why courier rates may differ when booking a courier

When you use the courier cost calculator we provide you with a range of courier price options, which is what a buyer would need to pay to get the goods shipped to their location.

These prices are flat rates based on deliveries that are local, within the same island, or delivering to the other island. Rates may vary depending on the specific location of the buyer and seller.

Sometimes, when sellers live in large regions (such as Otago and Waikato), even buyer addresses that are still within your region and feel like they’re ‘just down the road’ will sometimes result in ‘within island’ rates, not ‘local’ rates. There are a couple of reasons for this, such as what different courier companies determine to be a particular region or rural location, and what route the courier takes.

Note that if you choose bag rates there is little risk of the price changing when you book a courier, as these prices are flat rate nationwide.

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