IT salary information
Category Median pay Range
Architects $135k $80k - $225k
Business & systems analysts $95k $55k - $207k
Data warehousing & BI $105k $67k - $207k
Database $95k $46k - $202k
Functional consultants $105k $63k - $203k
Management $125k $75k - $225k
Networking & storage $95k $45k - $178k
Programming & development $95k $55k - $202k
Project management $125k $65k - $225k
Sales & pre-sales $75k $39k - $207k
Security $115k $55k - $200k
Service desk $55k $40k - $95k
Systems engineers $85k $47k - $170k
Telecommunications $45k $35k - $125k
Testing $95k $65k - $202k
Web design $85k $50k - $200k
Data is for full-time roles listed on Trade Me Jobs between May 2018 and November 2018

The range represents the 5th and 95th percentile.