Moonlight and Valentino

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Moonlight and Valentino (1995)

Moonlight and Valentino captures the warmth, spirit and laughs of four women seeking answers to some of lifes biggest questions. Rebecca Lott (Elizabeth Perkins) is left shell-shocked, confused and lonely when her husband is tragically hit by a car and killed instantly. Rebecca isnt alone long before her family and closest friend arrive on her doorstep, bringing with ...
Director:David Anspaugh
Cast:Elizabeth Perkins, Whoopi Goldberg, Shadia Simmons, Erica Luttrell
Rated M M Contains Offensive Language
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Moonlight and Valentino captures the warmth, spirit and laughs of four women seeking answers to some of lifes biggest questions. Rebecca Lott (Elizabeth Perkins) is left shell-shocked, confused and lonely when her husband is tragically hit by a car and killed instantly. Rebecca isnt alone long before her family and closest friend arrive on her doorstep, bringing with them their own baggage and distinctive personalities.
Director:David Anspaugh
Cast:Elizabeth Perkins, Whoopi Goldberg, Shadia Simmons, Erica Luttrell, Matthew Koller, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kathleen Turner, Scott Wickware, Kelli Fox, Harrison Liu, Wayne Lam, Wayn
Run time:105 minutes

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