Wedding Crashers

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Wedding Crashers (2005)

Guided by a set of 'wedding crasher rules', John Beckwith & Jeremy Grey can charm their way into any wedding...and into the hearts of every bridesmaid. But at the biggest nuptials of the year, John breaks the rules and falls for the daughter of the US Secretary of Treasury, and Jeremy is left at the mercy of her 'stage-five-clinger' sister. Being there for his buddy J...
Director:David Dobkin
Cast:Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Christopher Walken, Rachel McAdams
Rated M M Contains Violence, Offensive Language & Sex Scenes
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$4.40 Normal post - Not Tracked (Anywhere in NZ)...
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Closing on Monday, 24 Jun
$3.50 no reserve
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Guided by a set of 'wedding crasher rules', John Beckwith & Jeremy Grey can charm their way into any wedding...and into the hearts of every bridesmaid. But at the biggest nuptials of the year, John breaks the rules and falls for the daughter of the US Secretary of Treasury, and Jeremy is left at the mercy of her 'stage-five-clinger' sister. Being there for his buddy Jeremy follows John to the family's huge estate for a weekend that may even be too wild for the profession party guys!
Director:David Dobkin
Cast:Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Christopher Walken, Rachel McAdams, Isla Fisher, Jane Seymour, Ellen Albertini Dow
Run time:114 minutes

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