Night We Called It A Day, The

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Night We Called It A Day, The (2003)

Rod Blue (Joel Edgerton), a down-on-his-luck Aussie rock promoter, struggles to find the one act that will turn his life and business around. Just as a relationship starts to bloom with his assistant Audrey (Rose Byrne), Rod secures the coup of his career; bringing the legendary Frank Sinatra to tour Australia. After a very close brush with the local press, all hell b...
Director:Paul Goldman
Cast:Dennis Hopper, Melanie Griffith, Portia de Rossi, Joel Edgerton
Rated M M Contains Violence, Sexual References & Off Language
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Night We Called It A Day, The  Payable with Ping
$4.60 basic pack & post letter rate (NZ) 1 DVD...
Closing on Tuesday, 2 Jul
$2.50 no reserve
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Rod Blue (Joel Edgerton), a down-on-his-luck Aussie rock promoter, struggles to find the one act that will turn his life and business around. Just as a relationship starts to bloom with his assistant Audrey (Rose Byrne), Rod secures the coup of his career; bringing the legendary Frank Sinatra to tour Australia. After a very close brush with the local press, all hell breaks loose when Frank (Dennis Hopper) calls a gossip columnist a two dollar whore. 114 Unions go on strike overnight. Sinatra and his entourage wake up hostages: no water, no phones, no food, no fuel for the plane until he apologizes. But there are two things Sinatra never does; he never yawns in the presence of the woman he loves, and he never says hes sorry
Director:Paul Goldman
Cast:Dennis Hopper, Melanie Griffith, Portia de Rossi, Joel Edgerton, Rose Byrne, David Hemmings, David Field, Victoria Thaine, Stephen O'Rourke, Nicholas Hope, George Vidalis
Run time:92 minutes

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