Outrageous Fortune: The Complete Fourth Season

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Outrageous Fortune: The Complete Fourth Season (2008)

The Wests are back... for a fourth series of New Zealand's best loved comedy-drama! Cheryl battles Wolf to defend her kids and castle, but as family tensions erupt, the worst villain may be the enemy within... Cheryl is still leading by example - even if she falls for a cop - but is struggling to hold the family together: Wolf wants back in; Jethro is trying to keep W...
Cast:Andrew Laing, Yvette Parsons, Elisabeth Easther, Andrea Kelland
Rated R16
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Outrageous Fortune: The Complete Fourth Season  Payable with Ping
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Closing on Sunday, 23 Jun
$7.00 no reserve
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The Wests are back... for a fourth series of New Zealand's best loved comedy-drama! Cheryl battles Wolf to defend her kids and castle, but as family tensions erupt, the worst villain may be the enemy within... Cheryl is still leading by example - even if she falls for a cop - but is struggling to hold the family together: Wolf wants back in; Jethro is trying to keep Wolf and Sheree out of his apartment (and his bed); Loretta is struggling to be a mum; and Grandpa is on the hunt for the bastard who knocked up Rita. Meanwhile, Pascalle is somehow trying to heal them all!
Cast:Andrew Laing, Yvette Parsons, Elisabeth Easther, Andrea Kelland, Michael Saccente, Tyler Mitchell, Sara Wiseman, Roz Turnbull, David Fane, Nicole Whippy, Tammy Davis, Kirk Torrance, Frank Whitten, Antonia Prebble, Siobhan Marshall, Grant Bowler, Antony Starr, Robyn Malcolm
Run time:804 minutes

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