Big Lebowski, The

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Big Lebowski, The (1998)

The Dude, Jeff Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) is unemployed and laid-back... until... Victim of mistaken identity, two thugs break into his apartment in the errant belief that they are accosting Jeff Lebowski the Pasadena millionaire. In hope of getting a replacement for his soiled carpet Dude visits his wealthy namesake and, with buddy, ex 'Nam' veteran, Walter (John Goodma...
Director:Joel Coen
Cast:Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi
Rated R16 R16 Contains Violence & Offensive Language
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Big Lebowski, The 
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The Dude, Jeff Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) is unemployed and laid-back... until... Victim of mistaken identity, two thugs break into his apartment in the errant belief that they are accosting Jeff Lebowski the Pasadena millionaire. In hope of getting a replacement for his soiled carpet Dude visits his wealthy namesake and, with buddy, ex 'Nam' veteran, Walter (John Goodman), he is swept into a Coenesque comedy/thriller of extortion, embezzlement, sex and dope. It takes guys as simple as the Dude and Walter to make a story this complicated... And they'd really rather be bowling.
Director:Joel Coen
Cast:Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston, John Turturro
Run time:112 minutes

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