Once Upon a Time In Mexico (Collector's Edition)

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Once Upon a Time In Mexico (Collector's Edition) (2003)

Cult director Robert Rodriguez's long-awaited follow-up to Desperado is the epic final chapter in his El Mariachi trilogy. With Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek and a killer performance from Johnny Depp, Once Upon a Time In Mexico is hot, sexy, savage and funny ­ an 'over-the-top opera of action mayhem' hot from cinemas and destined to be one of the years biggest hits. B...
Director:Robert Rodriguez
Cast:Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke
Rated R16 R16 Contains Violence & Offensive Language
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Once Upon a Time In Mexico (Collector's Edition) 
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Closing on Friday, 5 Jul
Once Upon a Time In Mexico (Collector's Edition) 
$7.00 1-5 dvds...
Closing on Friday, 28 Jun
$6.00 no reserve
Once Upon a Time In Mexico (Collector's Edition)  Payable with Ping
$6.20 standard paper envelope A5 for 1-4DVD-track non-RD...
Closing on Saturday, 6 Jul
$7.00 no reserve
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Cult director Robert Rodriguez's long-awaited follow-up to Desperado is the epic final chapter in his El Mariachi trilogy. With Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek and a killer performance from Johnny Depp, Once Upon a Time In Mexico is hot, sexy, savage and funny ­ an 'over-the-top opera of action mayhem' hot from cinemas and destined to be one of the years biggest hits. Boasting an impressive array of special features, from 8 never-before-seen deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes features, short films as well as DVD-Rom features, this is a hot n' spicy action adventure Collector's Edition DVD release featuring a to-die-for A-list cast that is worth the wait.
Director:Robert Rodriguez
Cast:Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke, Eva Mendes, Danny Trejo, Enrique Iglesias, Marco Leonardi, Cheech Marin, Rubén Blades, Willem Dafoe, Gerardo Vigil
Run time:98 minutes

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