The Last Station

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The Last Station (2009)

As Sofya, Helen Mirren portrays the wife of Leo Tolstoy, a woman locked in a battle with her husband's admirers during the final year of his life, over the disposition of his royalties. Mirren herself comes from a family with a deep Russian heritage, as she was the daughter of an educated, socialist Russian father and her paternal grandfather was a Russian nobleman, ...
Director:Michael Hoffman
Cast:Christopher Plummer, James McAvoy, Helen Mirren, Paul Giamatti
Rated M Sex scene
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As Sofya, Helen Mirren portrays the wife of Leo Tolstoy, a woman locked in a battle with her husband's admirers during the final year of his life, over the disposition of his royalties. Mirren herself comes from a family with a deep Russian heritage, as she was the daughter of an educated, socialist Russian father and her paternal grandfather was a Russian nobleman, tsarist colonel and diplomat.
Christopher Plummer portrays Tolstoy, the great Russian writer who finds himself torn in his final years between his wife and his devoted admirers. Surprisingly, this is the first Academy Award nomination for veteran actor, Plummer who is arguably one of the finest actors of the post World War II period to have never been previously nominated. Now, after a career spanning nearly 5 decades, Plummer has finally been recognised by the Academy.
Director:Michael Hoffman
Cast:Christopher Plummer, James McAvoy, Helen Mirren, Paul Giamatti
Run time:112 minutes

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