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Contact (1997)

The exciting adventure of the day we make contact with life beyond Earth comes to the screen with a profound sense of wonder and a dazzling visual sweep that extends to the outer reaches of space and the imagination. Jodie Foster is astronomer Ellie Arroway, a woman of science. Matthew McConaughey is religious scholar Palmer Joss, a man of faith. They're opposite ends...
Director:Robert Zemeckis
Cast:Jena Malone, David Morse, Jodie Foster, Geoffrey Blake
Rated M M No Notes
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The exciting adventure of the day we make contact with life beyond Earth comes to the screen with a profound sense of wonder and a dazzling visual sweep that extends to the outer reaches of space and the imagination. Jodie Foster is astronomer Ellie Arroway, a woman of science. Matthew McConaughey is religious scholar Palmer Joss, a man of faith. They're opposite ends of a spectrum - and sudden players on the world stage as the countdown to humanity's greatest journey begins. Powerfully, thrillingly and emotionally, Contact connects.
Director:Robert Zemeckis
Cast:Jena Malone, David Morse, Jodie Foster, Geoffrey Blake, William Fichtner, Sami Chester, Timothy McNeil, Laura Elena Surillo, Matthew McConaughey, Tom Skerritt, Henry Strozier
Run time:144 minutes

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