I'm With Lucy

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I'm With Lucy (2002)

After being unexpectedly dumped by her dream boyfriend, Lucy (Monica Potter) wants to hide away in her apartment but her friends set her up with a series of blind dates: a shy entomologist (John Hannah), a sensual playwright (Gael Garcia Bernal), a hunky doctor (David Boreanaz), a self-centered baseball player (Anthony LaPaglia), and a bickering businessman (Henry Tho...
Director:Jon Sherman
Cast:Monica Potter, Craig Bierko, Linda Halaska, Julianne Nicholson
Rated M M Contains Low Level Offensive Language
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caer04 (185 185 positive feedback)
$5.00 no reserve
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After being unexpectedly dumped by her dream boyfriend, Lucy (Monica Potter) wants to hide away in her apartment but her friends set her up with a series of blind dates: a shy entomologist (John Hannah), a sensual playwright (Gael Garcia Bernal), a hunky doctor (David Boreanaz), a self-centered baseball player (Anthony LaPaglia), and a bickering businessman (Henry Thomas). We know she ends up marrying one of these five guys; trying to figure out which one, as the dates unfold in flashbacks, makes the movie engaging. But who will it be?
Director:Jon Sherman
Cast:Monica Potter, Craig Bierko, Linda Halaska, Julianne Nicholson, Flora Martínez, Afemo Omilami, John Hannah, Gael García Bernal, Anthony LaPaglia, John Tormey, Jeff Norris, Jeff Nor
Run time:90 minutes

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