Once Upon a Time in America

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Once Upon a Time in America (1984)

Ten years in planning, Sergio Leone's epic Once Upon a Time in America portrays 50 years of riveting underworld history and offers rich roles to a remarkable cast. Robert De Niro and James Woods play lifelong Lower East Side pals whose wary partnership unravels in death and mystery. Strong support comes from Tuesday Weld, Joe Pesci, Jennifer Connelly, Elizabeth McGove...
Director:Sergio Leone
Cast:Robert De Niro, James Woods, William Forsythe, James Hayden
Rated R16 R16 Contains Violence, Sexual Violence,Offensive Language
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Ten years in planning, Sergio Leone's epic Once Upon a Time in America portrays 50 years of riveting underworld history and offers rich roles to a remarkable cast. Robert De Niro and James Woods play lifelong Lower East Side pals whose wary partnership unravels in death and mystery. Strong support comes from Tuesday Weld, Joe Pesci, Jennifer Connelly, Elizabeth McGovern and the young actors playing the central characters as ghetto kids. To see this film (offered for the first time in the full version 1984 Cannes Film Festival audiences cheered) is "to be swept away by the assurance and vitality of a great director making his final statement in a medium he adored" (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times).
Director:Sergio Leone
Cast:Robert De Niro, James Woods, William Forsythe, James Hayden, Larry Rapp, Elizabeth McGovern, Tuesday Weld, Danny Aiello, Jennifer Connelly
Run time:220 minutes

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