Shooters (2000)

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Shooters (2000) (2000)

Gilly steps out of prison with nothing and no one except J, the friend he took the rap for. All Gilly wants is to start over with the money he's owed, but J, a two-bit hustler with a drug problem, has invested it in another drugs-for-guns deal. As J and Gilly do the rounds for the local boss Max, all hell breaks loose. J's deal is now out of control, Max is onto their...
Director:Colin Teague
Cast:Adrian Dunbar, Andrew Howard, Louis Dempsey, Gerard Butler
Rated R18 R18 Contains Violence,Off language,Drug Use,Sex Scenes
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Shooters (2000) 
$5.60 All of NZ > 2-9 business days...
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$12.00 no reserve
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Gilly steps out of prison with nothing and no one except J, the friend he took the rap for. All Gilly wants is to start over with the money he's owed, but J, a two-bit hustler with a drug problem, has invested it in another drugs-for-guns deal. As J and Gilly do the rounds for the local boss Max, all hell breaks loose. J's deal is now out of control, Max is onto their scam, and so are the police. As violence escalates, the pair try to keep ahead of the game, but in the gritty underworld of drugs and guns, betrayal is the only way out.
Director:Colin Teague
Cast:Adrian Dunbar, Andrew Howard, Louis Dempsey, Gerard Butler, Jason Hughes, Matthew Rhys, Emma Fielding, Ioan Gruffydd, Jamie Sweenie, Melanie Lynskey
Run time:91 minutes

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