Very Bad Things

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Very Bad Things (1998)

It's the bachelor party from hell...and you're invited! When five lifelong buddies go off to Las Vegas to celebrate the impending marriage of their good friend, it's set to be a wild weekend of drugs, sex and alcohol. But very bad things start to happen when the stripper they hire is accidentally killed. Their efforts to keep the death a secret sets off a chain of eve...
Director:Peter Berg
Cast:Christian Slater, Cameron Diaz, Daniel Stern, Jeanne Tripplehorn
Rated R18 R18 Contains Violence, Offensive Language & Sex Scenes
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Very Bad Things 
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$3.00 no reserve
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It's the bachelor party from hell...and you're invited! When five lifelong buddies go off to Las Vegas to celebrate the impending marriage of their good friend, it's set to be a wild weekend of drugs, sex and alcohol. But very bad things start to happen when the stripper they hire is accidentally killed. Their efforts to keep the death a secret sets off a chain of events that keep the anxiety level high ... and the body count even higher! With killer performances by THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY star Cameron Diaz, Christian Slater (BROKEN ARROW), Daniel Stern (CITY SLICKERS) and Jon Favreau, (SWINGERS) plus a twisted story that's like one wedding and lots of funerals, VERY BAD THINGS is one totally original and VERY funny movie.
Director:Peter Berg
Cast:Christian Slater, Cameron Diaz, Daniel Stern, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Jon Favreau, Jeremy Piven, Leland Orser
Run time:96 minutes

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