Hide and Seek

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Hide and Seek (2005)

Hide and Seek revolves around a widower (Robert DeNiro) and his daughter (Dakota Fanning). They move to upstate and Emily (Fanning) soon creates an imaginary friend named Charlie...but this act takes an unexpected and terrifying turn, where her father and doctor (Famke Janssen) start to worry about Emily's gruesome habits.
Director:John Polson
Cast:Robert De Niro, Dakota Fanning, Famke Janssen, Elisabeth Shue
Rated M M Contains Horror Scenes
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Hide and Seek 
$4.40 Normal post - Not Tracked (Anywhere in NZ)...
Closing on Tuesday, 2 Jul
$3.50 no reserve
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Hide and Seek revolves around a widower (Robert DeNiro) and his daughter (Dakota Fanning). They move to upstate and Emily (Fanning) soon creates an imaginary friend named Charlie...but this act takes an unexpected and terrifying turn, where her father and doctor (Famke Janssen) start to worry about Emily's gruesome habits.
Director:John Polson
Cast:Robert De Niro, Dakota Fanning, Famke Janssen, Elisabeth Shue, Amy Irving, Dylan Baker, Melissa Leo, Robert John Burke, Molly Grant Kallins, David Chandler, Stewart Summers, Stewart Su
Run time:120 minutes

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