Best of Friends, The: Season 10

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Best of Friends, The: Season 10 (2003)

The Five Best episodes from Season 10 as chosen by Executive Producers Kevin Bright, Marta Kauffman & David Crane.
The One Where Ross Is Fine: Ross puts on a convincing front and invites Joey and Rachel to dine on fajitas with him and Charlie. He quickly gets drunk and embarrasses everyone. After Rachel and Charlie leave, Joey spends the night and the two talk in the...
Cast:Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc
Rated PG PG Contains Sexual References
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Best of Friends, The: Season 10 
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The Five Best episodes from Season 10 as chosen by Executive Producers Kevin Bright, Marta Kauffman & David Crane.
The One Where Ross Is Fine: Ross puts on a convincing front and invites Joey and Rachel to dine on fajitas with him and Charlie. He quickly gets drunk and embarrasses everyone. After Rachel and Charlie leave, Joey spends the night and the two talk in the morning. Ross tells Joey he'll work on getting used to him and Rachel. Meanwhile, Frank Jr. visits with his kids and tries to talk Phoebe into taking one of the triplets. Also, Chandler and Monica visit some friends of Phoebe's to learn about adoption. However, Chandler accidentally tells their son something he didn't know - that he's adopted.
The One With Ross's Tan: Joey and Rachel's first date goes well, until they return to their apartment and discover that everything's awkward. They decide that they make better friends than lovers and call off their relationship. Monica and Phoebe try to avoid their annoying friend Amanda, who has returned from living in London with a fake British accent. Ross gets a spray-on tan.
The One Where the Stripper Cries: Phoebe's bachelorette party features a rather unexpected surprise when the stripper shows up. Joey is on "Pyramid." Chandler and Ross flash back to 1987 to reflect on a pact they made when they were in college.
The Last One (Part 1): Ross wants to be with Rachel, but she still wants to go to Paris. He tries to tell her about his feelings, but Gunther beats him to it. Rachel leaves for the airport, and Ross decides to catch her at the gate. Meanwhile, Erica turns out to be carrying twins: a boy and a girl. Chandler and Monica name the girl Erica, after her surrogate mother, and the boy Jack, after Monica's father. Mike tells Phoebe that he wants to have babies. Joey buys Monica and Chandler a housewarming present: Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.
The Last One (Part 2): Ross and Phoebe chase Rachel to the airport, but end up at the wrong one. They narrowly make it to the right airport, where Ross declares his love for Rachel, but she gets on the plane anyway. A dejected Ross returns home, where he finds a message on his answering machine, revealing that Rachel got off the plane, just as the real thing shows up behind him. They decide to be together. Meanwhile, Chandler and Monica finish packing for their move to the suburbs, and Joey loses Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. in the foosball table.
Cast:Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer, Giovanni Ribisi, Aisha Tyler, Jennifer Coolidge, Kimberley Davies, Danny DeVito, Danny D
Run time:115 minutes

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