Babar: The Movie

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Babar: The Movie (1989)

The Annual Celesteville Victory Day Parade provides the opportunity for King Babar, ruler of Celesteville, to recount for his children the epic story of how, as a young boy, he met and conquered the first great challenge of his reign - saving (what was then) Elephantland from the evil clutches of Lord Rataxes and his Rhinoceros Horde. Although Babar's good friend Cele...
Director:Alan Bunce
Cast:Angela Fusco, Ray Landry, Carl Banas, Stuart Stone
Rated G Suitable for General Audiences
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Babar: The Movie 
$7.00 1-5 dvds...
Closing on Thursday, 20 Jun
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Babar: The Movie 
$7.00 1-5 dvds...
Closing on Sunday, 23 Jun
$3.00 no reserve
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The Annual Celesteville Victory Day Parade provides the opportunity for King Babar, ruler of Celesteville, to recount for his children the epic story of how, as a young boy, he met and conquered the first great challenge of his reign - saving (what was then) Elephantland from the evil clutches of Lord Rataxes and his Rhinoceros Horde. Although Babar's good friend Celeste gives the elephants advance warning that Rataxes' army is on the rampage, his Royal Advisors, Cornelius and Pompadour get too caught up in a diplomatic paper chase to be of any help. Babar switches places with Celeste's younger brother Arthur, and leaving him behind to pose as king, bravely sets out to single-handedly save Celeste and her village from the encroaching Rhinos.
Director:Alan Bunce
Cast:Angela Fusco, Ray Landry, Carl Banas, Stuart Stone, Charles Kerr, John Stocker, Chris Wiggins, Stephen Ouimette, Sarah Polley, Gavin Magrath, Amos Crawley, Bobby Becken
Run time:72 minutes

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