Perfect Creature

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Perfect Creature (2006)

From the Oscar nominated producer of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring , Tim Sanders comes this highly original retelling of the vampire myth set in an alternate version of the 1960's, as science fiction and horror coalesce in a suspenseful, elegant action film about race, serial killings and capacity of humans beings to hope...For three hundred years...
Director:Glenn Standring
Cast:Dougray Scott, Saffron Burrows, Leo Gregory, Scott Wills
Rated R16 R16 Violence, offensive language and horror
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From the Oscar nominated producer of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring , Tim Sanders comes this highly original retelling of the vampire myth set in an alternate version of the 1960's, as science fiction and horror coalesce in a suspenseful, elegant action film about race, serial killings and capacity of humans beings to hope...For three hundred years vampires - the Church of the Brotherhood - and human beings have lived in peaceful co-existence but when a rogue vampire starts killing humans, a human cop and a vampire cop must team up before a war between the two races erupts.
Director:Glenn Standring
Cast:Dougray Scott, Saffron Burrows, Leo Gregory, Scott Wills, Stuart Wilson, Craig Hall, Robbie Magasiva, Lauren Jackson, Peter McCauley, Stephen Ure, John Sumner, Roi Taimana, Roi T
Run time:100 minutes

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