Just Buried

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Just Buried (2007)

Starring Rose Byrne (Marie Antoinette, 28 Weeks Later, Sunshine) and Jay Baruchel (Tropic Thunder, Knocked Up), and from the producers of Backdraft and Ronin Hood: Prince of Thieves, comes this ruthlessly twisted dark comedy about ambition, greed, sex and death. After inheriting an almost bankrupt funeral home in a small town where nobody is dying, awkward Oliver (Bar...
Director:Chaz Thorne
Cast:Rose Byrne, Jay Baruchel, Graham Greene, Nigel Bennett
Rated M M Contains Violence & Sexual References
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Just Buried  Payable with Ping
$6.20 standard paper envelope A5 for 1-4DVD-track non-RD...
Closing on Friday, 21 Jun
$7.00 no reserve
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Starring Rose Byrne (Marie Antoinette, 28 Weeks Later, Sunshine) and Jay Baruchel (Tropic Thunder, Knocked Up), and from the producers of Backdraft and Ronin Hood: Prince of Thieves, comes this ruthlessly twisted dark comedy about ambition, greed, sex and death. After inheriting an almost bankrupt funeral home in a small town where nobody is dying, awkward Oliver (Baruchel) and the funeral home's bewitching embalmer (Byrne) decide to start bumping off townsfolk to make money. With his business and love life blossoming, Oliver gains confidence - or has he dug a grave for himself that's too deep to escape! Also starring Graham Greene (Transamerica, the Green Mile), Just Buried is a sinfully delicious good time in the tradition of films like Heathers, The Last Supper and Fargo.
Director:Chaz Thorne
Cast:Rose Byrne, Jay Baruchel, Graham Greene, Nigel Bennett, Sergio Di Zio, Reagan Pasternak, Thomas Gibson, Brian Downey, Slavko Negulic, Jeremy Akerman, Christopher Shore, Christophe
Run time:90 minutes

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