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Newcastle (2008)

It's a week before the Junior Surf Pro final. Jesse (Lachlan Buchanan) is determined to snatch the title from his best mate, Andy (Kirk Jenkins). Victory would mean a one-way ticket out of Newcastle and a career beyond his pre-destined future - working on the coal barges with this father Reggie (Shane Jacobson) and older half-brother Victor (Reshad Strik), the local b...
Director:Dan Castle
Cast:Matthew Schelle, Woody Naismith, Kirk Jenkins, Jaymes Triglone
Rated M M Contains Sex Scenes & Offensive Language
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Newcastle  Payable with Ping
$4.95 Normal Post...
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Closes in 1 hr 12 mins
$1.00 no reserve
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It's a week before the Junior Surf Pro final. Jesse (Lachlan Buchanan) is determined to snatch the title from his best mate, Andy (Kirk Jenkins). Victory would mean a one-way ticket out of Newcastle and a career beyond his pre-destined future - working on the coal barges with this father Reggie (Shane Jacobson) and older half-brother Victor (Reshad Strik), the local bad boy. Jesse resolves to succeed where Victor failed to become a world-class champion surfer. Yet before Jesse gets his chance, he is disqualified for reckless surfing in the lead-up trial. As a diversion, Jesse's surfing mates Andy, Scotty (Israel Cannan) and Nathan (Ben Milliken) plan a weekend of waves and hedonism with some local girls Debra (Debra Ades) and Leah (Rebecca Breeds). Much to Jesse's dismay, Fergus (Xavier Samuel), Jesse's geeky, fraternal twin brother who has never even set foot on a surfboard, gets to tag along. Upon reaching the sand dunes, the teenagers swim, surf, flirt and party. Fergus is entranced by Andy, who is not at all threatened and accepts Fergus for who he is. First light and the posse hit the waves. Andy introduces the painfully uncoordinated Fergus to surfing. Fergus manages to catch a wave after many attempts and is elated but not for too long. When Victor and his gang arrive at the isolated beach and decide to claim the surf break, an unofficial contest ensues. The angry waves close out on the inexperienced Fergus. Victor, Andy and Jesse struggle under a rogue wave. Boards fly in the white water. Fergus desperately reaches the surface, only to discover a tragedy unfolding. A devastated Jesse struggles to find his own identity and a reason to surf.
Director:Dan Castle
Cast:Matthew Schelle, Woody Naismith, Kirk Jenkins, Jaymes Triglone, Rebecca Breeds, Debra Ades, Israel Cannan, Ben Milliken, Gigi Edgley, Joy Smithers, Barry Otto, Shane Jacobson
Run time:107 minutes

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