Stay Cool

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Stay Cool (2009)

After 20 years, bestselling author Henry McCarthy (Mark Polish) returns to his home town, only to fall in love with his old crush Scarlet Smith (Winona Ryder). Things become complicated when he is asked to the prom by sexy high school senior Shasta O'Neil (Hilary Duff).

Facing some tough decisions about love and life, Henry turns to Principle Marshall (Chevy Chase) f...
Director:Ted Smith
Cast:Winona Ryder, Mark Polish, Sean Astin, Hilary Duff
Rated PG Violence.
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Stay Cool 
$5.60 NZ Post > 2-9 business days...
Closing on Tuesday, 18 Jun
$7.00 no reserve
Stay Cool 
$5.60 NZ Post > 2-9 business days...
Closing on Tuesday, 18 Jun
$8.00 no reserve
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After 20 years, bestselling author Henry McCarthy (Mark Polish) returns to his home town, only to fall in love with his old crush Scarlet Smith (Winona Ryder). Things become complicated when he is asked to the prom by sexy high school senior Shasta O'Neil (Hilary Duff).

Facing some tough decisions about love and life, Henry turns to Principle Marshall (Chevy Chase) for some advice - this is when things become hilariously entertaining.
Director:Ted Smith
Cast:Winona Ryder, Mark Polish, Sean Astin, Hilary Duff, Jon Cryer, Frances Conroy, Marc Blucas, Chevy Chase, Jessica St. Clair, Josh Holloway, Joanna Cassidy
Run time:93 minutes

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