Every Jack Has a Jill

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Every Jack Has a Jill

In the style of Julie Delpy's "Two Days in Paris", first-time writer-director Jennifer Devoldre's tickling romantic comedy pokes fun at Parisian clichs in the city of love.

Twenty-six-year old Chlo lives by herself in between an invasive neighbour, a petty-minded colleague and a preachy kind of employee at a DVD rental store. It is a life that doesn't live up to her ...
Director:Jennifer Devoldere
Cast:Melanie Laurent, Justin Bartha
Rated M
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Every Jack Has a Jill   Payable with Ping
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In the style of Julie Delpy's "Two Days in Paris", first-time writer-director Jennifer Devoldre's tickling romantic comedy pokes fun at Parisian clichs in the city of love.

Twenty-six-year old Chlo lives by herself in between an invasive neighbour, a petty-minded colleague and a preachy kind of employee at a DVD rental store. It is a life that doesn't live up to her expectations. And yet a random course of events changes her luck. One day she stumbles upon a suitcase of young American Jack, who has won a vacation to Paris. As Jack is trapped inside his hotel with no money, clothes or French-language skills, Chlo falls in love with his belongings and, feeling fate has brought them together, sets out on a search to find him...

The enchanting Laurent, who made a triumphant international entrance when she danced her way down the Cannes red carpet with her "Inglourious Basterds" director, Quentin Tarantino, confirms her blossoming reputation as one of French cinema's rising talents in this treat.
Director:Jennifer Devoldere
Cast:Melanie Laurent, Justin Bartha
Run time:82 minutes

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