This Means War

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This Means War (2012)

Chris Pine and Tom Hardy co-star with Reese Witherspoon in this fast-paced mix of explosive action and laugh-out-loud comedy. FDR (Pine) and Tuck (Hardy) both fall for the charming and lovely Lauren (Witherspoon). As Lauren struggles to choose between them with help from her sassy friend, Trish (Chelsea Handler) FDR and Tuck wage an epic battle for Laurens affection. ...
Cast:Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy, Chris Pine, Chelsea Handler
Rated M Violence,sexual references and offensive language.
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$5.60  P & P TRACK & TRACE NZ 1 x DVD (No RD Address)...
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Chris Pine and Tom Hardy co-star with Reese Witherspoon in this fast-paced mix of explosive action and laugh-out-loud comedy. FDR (Pine) and Tuck (Hardy) both fall for the charming and lovely Lauren (Witherspoon). As Lauren struggles to choose between them with help from her sassy friend, Trish (Chelsea Handler) FDR and Tuck wage an epic battle for Laurens affection. Using their surveillance skills and an array of high-tech gadgetry may the best spy win!
Cast:Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy, Chris Pine, Chelsea Handler, Til Schweiger
Run time:93 minutes

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