The Devil's Rock

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The Devil's Rock (2011)

On the eve of the D Day landings, allied commandos set out to raid enemy positions in the English Channel. Approaching a German bunker during a night-time raid they hear mysterious noises and are compelled to investigate. Inside they find dismembered corps strewn across the floors and occult symbols covering every surface. Only two beings remain alive - a Gestapo offi...
Director:Paul Campion
Cast:Craig Hall, Gina Varela, Matthew Sunderland, Karlos Drinkwater
Rated R16 Violence,offensive language and horror.
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On the eve of the D Day landings, allied commandos set out to raid enemy positions in the English Channel. Approaching a German bunker during a night-time raid they hear mysterious noises and are compelled to investigate. Inside they find dismembered corps strewn across the floors and occult symbols covering every surface. Only two beings remain alive - a Gestapo officer tasked with raising the forces of hell to fight for the Nazi cause and his demon slave, hungry for human flesh.

What ensues will test the bravery and sanity of the men, pushing them to the very limits of fear, belief and life itself, in a terrifying battle between the forces of good and evil.
Director:Paul Campion
Cast:Craig Hall, Gina Varela, Matthew Sunderland, Karlos Drinkwater
Run time:86 minutes

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