Django Unchained

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Django Unchained (2012)

Django (Jamie Foxx) a slave who teams up with bounty hunter Dr King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) to seek out the South's most wanted criminals, with the promise of Django's freedom. Honing vital hunting skills, his one goal is to find and rescue the wife (Kerry Washington) he lost to the slave trade long ago. When their search ultimately leads to Calvin Candie (Leonardo ...
Director:Quentin Tarantino
Cast:Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington
Rated R16 Graphic violence and offensive language.
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Django Unchained 
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Django (Jamie Foxx) a slave who teams up with bounty hunter Dr King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) to seek out the South's most wanted criminals, with the promise of Django's freedom. Honing vital hunting skills, his one goal is to find and rescue the wife (Kerry Washington) he lost to the slave trade long ago. When their search ultimately leads to Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), the infamous and brutal proprietor of "Candyland", they arouse the suspicion of Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson), Candie's trusted house slave. Now their moves are marked and Candie's treacherous organisation closes in on them.
Director:Quentin Tarantino
Cast:Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington
Run time:159 minutes

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