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Stranded (2013)

When contact was lost...something else was found.

Not long after, interaction with the meteor, Ava Cameron (Amy- Matysio) begins showing signs of pregnancy at a rapid rate. Within hours she goes into labour, but with no trace of a baby. Through a series of terrifying encounters the crew begin to realise that a dark entity is onboard. The entity targets the crew one ...
Director:Roger Christian
Cast:Christian Slater, Amy Matysio, Michael Therriault, Brendan Fehr
Rated M Violence and offensive language.
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$5.60 All of NZ > 2-9 business days...
Closing on Monday, 1 Jul
$10.00 no reserve
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When contact was lost...something else was found.

Not long after, interaction with the meteor, Ava Cameron (Amy- Matysio) begins showing signs of pregnancy at a rapid rate. Within hours she goes into labour, but with no trace of a baby. Through a series of terrifying encounters the crew begin to realise that a dark entity is onboard. The entity targets the crew one by one, leaving remaining to destroy it before all are killed by it.
Director:Roger Christian
Cast:Christian Slater, Amy Matysio, Michael Therriault, Brendan Fehr
Run time:80 minutes

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