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Filth (2013)

Desperate for a promotion and bored with his duties as a Detective Sergeant, Bruce Robertson (James McAvoy) survives on a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and sexually abusive relationships. Bruce soon finds his life spiralling out of control, when his drug addiction and unchecked psychological issues combine to test his grip on reality and push him over the edge.
Director:Jon S. Baird
Cast:James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Imogen Poots, Joanne Froggatt
Rated R16 Violence, offensive language, drug use and sex scenes.
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$5.60 All of NZ > 2-9 business days...
Closing on Wednesday, 19 Jun
$14.00 no reserve
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Desperate for a promotion and bored with his duties as a Detective Sergeant, Bruce Robertson (James McAvoy) survives on a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and sexually abusive relationships. Bruce soon finds his life spiralling out of control, when his drug addiction and unchecked psychological issues combine to test his grip on reality and push him over the edge.
Director:Jon S. Baird
Cast:James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Imogen Poots, Joanne Froggatt
Run time:97 minutes

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