Sea Of Trees

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Sea Of Trees (2016)

Numbed by grief, Arthur Brennan heads across the world to Japan's Aokigahara, a mysterious forest lapping the foothills of Mount Fuji - a place where people go to contemplate life and death. Having found the perfect place to die, Arthur encounters a Japanese man, Takumi Nakamura, who appears to have lost his way. Together, the two men embark on a journey of reflection...
Director:Gus Van Sant
Cast:Mathew McConaughey, Ken Watanabe, Naomi Watts, Katie Aselton
Rated M Offensive language
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Sea Of Trees 
$5.60 NZ Post > 2-9 business days...
Closing on Tuesday, 18 Jun
$8.00 no reserve
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Numbed by grief, Arthur Brennan heads across the world to Japan's Aokigahara, a mysterious forest lapping the foothills of Mount Fuji - a place where people go to contemplate life and death. Having found the perfect place to die, Arthur encounters a Japanese man, Takumi Nakamura, who appears to have lost his way. Together, the two men embark on a journey of reflection and survival.
Director:Gus Van Sant
Cast:Mathew McConaughey, Ken Watanabe, Naomi Watts, Katie Aselton
Run time:106 minutes

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