
Best Coffee Beans: NZ Buying Guide

Ever wondered what makes barista-made coffee so good? It's in the beans. Dive into the best coffee beans on the market.

Last updated: 23 May 2024

Ever wondered what makes your favourite barista-made coffee so good? It's all in the beans. The type of bean, where it's grown, and how it's roasted can totally change the taste of your coffee. So, if you're keen to recreate that barista magic at home, our buying guide is here to help. We'll dive into the best coffee beans on the market, tips for choosing the right roast, and how to get that perfect cup every time. 

Popular types of coffee beans

From smooth Arabica to bold Colombian, these coffee beans each bring something unique to your cup.

Decaf coffee beans

Perfect for those who love the taste of coffee but want to avoid the caffeine kick. Decaf coffee beans undergo a process to remove most of the caffeine while retaining the flavour.

Shop decaf coffee beans on Trade Me.

Green coffee beans

These are unroasted coffee beans that you can roast at home to your preference. They’re great for those who want to experiment with different roast levels and flavours.

Browse all green coffee beans.

Arabica coffee beans

Arabica beans are known for their smooth, complex flavours and are generally considered higher quality than Robusta beans. They make up most of the world’s coffee production.

Find Arabica beans

Colombian coffee beans

Colombian beans are prized for their bright acidity, strong caramel sweetness, and nutty undertones. They’re a favourite for many coffee drinkers around the world.

Browse our selection of Colombian coffee beans.

Fair Trade coffee beans

Fair Trade beans ensure that the farmers are paid fairly for their work. This is a great option for those who want to support ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Shop all Fair Trade coffee beans.

Bulk coffee beans

Buying in bulk is cost-effective and ensures you always have your favourite coffee on hand. Just make sure to store them properly to keep them fresh.

Buy coffee beans in bulk on Trade Me

Best coffee bean brands in NZ

From small-batch roasters to well-known industry giants, let’s explore the most popular brands in the coffee scene.

1. Three Beans

If you’re into a coffee that’s not too overpowering but still full of character, Three Beans is a great choice. Their blends are known for being smooth and well-balanced. They source their beans from all over the world, giving a diverse and flavourful selection. 

Shop Three Beans coffee

2. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Fun fact: The Coffee Bean was one of the first to introduce the Ice Blended drink, which became a hit worldwide. Their coffee beans are carefully selected and roasted to perfection, making them ideal for both espresso and drip coffee enthusiasts. 

See The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf online shop

3. Allpress

Allpress is a big name in the NZ coffee scene. They’re renowned for their smooth, rich blends that are perfect for espresso-based drinks. Their coffee is ethically sourced and expertly roasted to bring out the best flavours. Plus, their iconic brown and gold cups have become a staple in many cafes.

Browse Allpress coffee beans

4. Coffee Supreme

Coffee Supreme is celebrated for its high-quality, ethically sourced beans. They’ve created lots of different blends, from bright and fruity to deep and chocolatey. Perfect for those who enjoy a complex cup of coffee. Their cafes are also known for their minimalist design and excellent barista skills.

Shop Coffee Supreme Beans.

5. Havana coffee beans

Havana Coffee Works is a staple in the Wellington coffee scene, known for its quality, sustainability, and direct relationships with coffee growers. Their headquarters in Wellington has a lively cafe attached to the roastery.

Browse the Havana range

6. Robert Harris coffee beans

A classic in the New Zealand market, Robert Harris is all about a milder cup of coffee without too much acidity or bitterness. They’ve been around since the 1950s, making them a trusted name in NZ coffee.

Find the Robert Harris coffee range.

7. Raglan Roast coffee beans

Raglan Roast is loved for its laid-back vibe and high-quality, small-batch coffee. Their beans are roasted to bring out unique flavours that are perfect for both casual and more discerning coffee drinkers. 

Shop Raglan Roast coffee beans.

8. Starbucks coffee beans

Starbucks needs no introduction. Their beans guarantee a strong, full-bodied cup of coffee. They offer a wide range of blends and single-origin options. Plus, their seasonal drinks are always a hit, adding a bit of fun to your coffee routine.

Browse the Starbucks coffee bean range.

10. Ciro Coffee Beans

Ideal for both home brewers and professional baristas, Ciro's beans are a reliable choice for a great cup of coffee. They have a range of well-balanced and smooth blends. 

Shop Ciro Coffee Beans.

Accessories for coffee lovers

To get the most out of your coffee beans, why not invest in some essential accessories:

Coffee grinders

A good grinder is crucial for getting the right grind size, which can make a big difference in flavour. Burr grinders are generally preferred over blade grinders for their consistency.

Shop for coffee grinders.

Coffee roasters

If you’re into DIY, a home coffee roaster allows you to roast green coffee beans to your desired level. It’s a fun way to experiment and discover new flavours.

Find a coffee roaster on Trade Me.

Coffee plungers

Also known as French presses, plungers are great for making a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee. They’re simple to use and don’t require any electricity.

Buy a coffee plunger.

Bean there, brewed that

Choosing the right coffee beans will totally transform your daily coffee ritual. Whether you prefer a bold espresso, a smooth flat white, or a fruity pour-over, there’s a perfect bean out there for you. Now it’s time to explore the diverse world of coffee and find the flavours that suit your taste. Happy brewing!

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