Category changes for Trade Me Jobs

Written by The Trade Me Jobs team in Jobs at 2:30pm, Mon 18 Jan 2016

Today we made some improvements to categories on Trade Me Jobs.

What are the changes?

• 'Construction & architecture' has been renamed to 'Construction & roading'.
• A new sub-category called 'Traffic management' was added under 'Construction & roading'.
• 'Architecture', which was previously a sub-category under 'Construction & architecture', is now its own category.
• 'Architecture' now has four sub-categories: 'Architects', 'Drafting', 'Interior design', and 'Other'.

Why did we make these changes?

We wanted to ensure that our job categories are consistent with the current job market categories. Based on feedback and testing, we hope these changes will provide a category structure that's easier to use.

What does this mean for me?

You can now start listing jobs in our new category 'Construction & roading > Traffic management'.

If you already have job listings under the previous sub-categories of 'Architecture', 'Drafting', or 'Interior design', we’ve updated them to the new corresponding sub-categories under the new 'Architecture' category.